Man who killed 26 in Texas church forced girl, 13, to pose naked then took her virginity

On Sunday, November 5, 2017, Devin Kelley walked into the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, killed 26 people and injured 20. More is now being revealed about him, including that he once raped a 13-year-old girl.

Kelley forced 13-year-old Brittany Adcock to pose naked for him so as to fulfil his "sick kicks" and then he took her virginity. Brittany, now 22, said the "monster" was 18 when he first approached her in a shopping centre and asked for her number. He went on to harass her over many years, even inviting her to move in with him as a topless maid. She said he also boasted of filming his mum and sister with a secret camera he rigged up in the family bathroom.

She said: "It wasn’t long after my 13th birthday but it didn’t deter him despite him being a man. Devin would beg to take pictures of me naked – to please him, I agreed. I was so naive. He was a lot older than me and I was bowled over an older guy would show interest in me. He took about a dozen pictures and then held them over me for the rest of his life."

Brittany added: "Devin took my virginity. It was at my mother’s house. It was just awful when I look back."

She ended the relationship but he pursued her and continued to harass her over the years. He even set up a fake profile on Facebook to talk to her, Brittany claimed.

Brittany said: "One of the worst things was just after he married his second wife three years ago. He said he would take care of me on condition that I live with them as his topless maid."

The last time she heard from him was six months ago when he texted her a photo of a topless girl and asked if it was her. Kelley, 26, took his own life on Sunday after his gun rampage. Brittany says the paedophile’s death has finally brought an end to him stalking, tormenting and trying to bribe her.

Brittany, from San Antonio, Texas, said: "He was a monster. The world is a better place now he is gone... I now know he was a paedophile. He used me to fulfil his sick kicks."

It has also emerged that in 2012, Kelley broke out of a psychiatric hospital while in the Air Force, after making death threats against superiors and trying to smuggle weapons on to his base. He was captured at a bus station after escaping the hospital where he was sent after being charged with assaulting his first wife and breaking the skull of his baby stepson.

Survivors of the church massacre have begun speaking out. Rosa Solis, who was shot in the arm, said Kelley walked up and down the church’s aisle, shouting, "Everybody dies". She said she survived by pretending to be dead while all around her people were screaming and crying and children were yelling for their mums.

It is thought Kelley targeted the church after a feud with his mother-in-law, who is a parishioner there.

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Man who killed 26 in Texas church forced girl, 13, to pose naked then took her virginity  Man who killed 26 in Texas church forced girl, 13, to pose naked then took her virginity Reviewed by Unknown on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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