Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins death photos have been released and people are now saying she may have been raped inside the freezer.. (graphic photos)

On September 10, 2017, the dead body of 19 year old Kenneka Jenkins was found in a walk in freezer at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Rosemont, Chicago after partying with her friends. She was caught on the hotel’s CCTV cameras stumbling through the halls of the building and into a vacant kitchen with the attached walk in fridge, where her body was later found. Since the discovery, the circumstances of her death have been the subject of much speculation and controversy.

Yesterday, the Rosemont Police Department released death photos of Kenneka and now people believe she was murdered. Below is how MediaTakeOut analyzed it

Just when you thought that the case of Kenneka Jenkins mysterious death has been closed – new evidence COMES IN.

The Chicago police released the death pics of Kenneka – and posted them online yesterday. Almost immediately, people began looking at the pics – which show Kenneka undressed – and wondering whether she was sexually assaulted in the freezer.

Take a look at the below pics – and ask yourself, why would someone who is FREEZING TO DEATH have their breasts out and exposed????

The door to the walk in fridge
Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins death photos have been released and people are now saying she may have been raped inside the freezer.. (graphic photos)  Chicago teen Kenneka Jenkins death photos have been released and people are now saying she may have been raped inside the freezer.. (graphic photos) Reviewed by Unknown on October 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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